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For Education Leaders

The Wabi-Sabi of Wellbeing


Our ability to navigate change lies at the heart of living well. A fiercely lived, resilient life is a life filled with highs, lows and plenty of time walking the middle ground, from beginning to end. Belief inspires the passion, perseverance and self-trust required to live well in a world where everything changes all of the time. Read more

AI Might Interfere with the Acquisition of Writing Skills


AI is getting better and better at generating text and that isn't great news if children are to achieve proficiency in written communication.
   It is vital to teach handwriting in the first years of schooling and to continue supporting the development of handwriting skills across primary and secondary years. Handwriting skills are connected to improved spelling and greater capacity to write longer and higher-quality texts. Read more


Schools Still Lock Children with Disabilities in Cages


Allowing disabled students to attend regular school is a noble idea but the practice often misses the mark, disabled students often find themselves secluded or placed in enclosures as a misguided means of managing challenging behaviours.
   A recent poll revealed that 70% of allied health and NDIS behaviour practitioners have witnessed these practices firsthand. The reports include children being observed to be behind metal bars. Read more

Australia Scores Olympic Medals in Bath, UK


Australians have already brought home medals in the Olympics, the ones that matter anyway, the 65th International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) in Bath UK.
   The Australian team’s performance 2024 was strong, achieving four medals and two honourable mentions, which resulted in Australia ranking 38th out of the 108 countries that took part in the competition. Less successful was the team's maths Ashes campaign. Read more

The Case of a Persistent Bully: From Victim to Perpetrator


The lived experiences of a self-identified persistent bully* are seldom revealed but by seeing what makes a bully tick, a complex relationship between a bully and their victim emerges. Often the bullied becomes a bully themselves.
   UniSA Centre for Research in Educational and Social Inclusion researcher and education expert, Dr Deborah Green, investigated a self-proclaimed bully and found a strangely conflicted boy. Read more

Domestic Violence Increasing in Young People


DV can be defined as pattern of behaviour in a relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over a partner. It includes behaviour that is used to intimidate, threaten, molest, harass or intimidate another person. It can extend to financial matters, emotional behaviour, sexual behaviour and stalking and tracking another person.
   And DV in teens is becoming more frequent with the rise of hyper masculine insta/ tiktok celebrities. Read more