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For Education Leaders

Collective Teacher Efficacy: I Am Because You Are


There are a lot of variables that influence collective team efficacy, but the key factors are vision and team cohesion, which are integral to the dynamic process reflected in the tendency for a group to stick together and remain united in the pursuit of its instrumental objectives.  Read more

The Under Recognised Condition that Holds Back Learning


Approximately 7% of children will experience significant and persistent language difficulties, in the absence of another primary biomedical condition such as Autism Spectrum Disorder or intellectual disability, that impact their everyday functioning. This results in a diagnosis of one of the most common lifelong neurodevelopmental conditions known as Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) - impacting two children in every class of 30. Read more

The Risk of Generationally Embedding Tech Skills Shortages


The digital future is now and students need to learn digital skills but, importantly, they must be the right skills or we risk locking in shortages of top tech workers. Here’s the rub, two-thirds of teachers face challenges in delivering the curriculum while 72% indicate they were not receiving sufficient support.
   Professor Johanna Weaver, Founding Director of the ANU Tech Policy Design Centre says, “We need to stop teaching tech like it is a bolt-on." Read more

Microlearnings: a 21st Century Digital Strategy


Microlearnings can be in multiple forms - video, audio, image, or text - and on multiple platforms. They allow students to focus on pockets of learning they are unsure of or need to revisit. Conversely, it also allows students to bypass learning they already possess. Mapping the resource to the students’ needs and the learning experience is essential and microlearning allows educators to accommodate diverse learners.
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Should Schools Provide Students with their Meals?


Students who are satiated through to lunch, behave better, contribute more to class, and remain on task longer throughout the day. Staff are aware of which students require gentle reminders to eat the food provided, further supporting their educational journey.
   Adopting this as a school-wide approach ensures that students from more disadvantaged backgrounds do not feel any stigma or shame.
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High Schoolers Set Up for Uni Success


The annual Future You Summit introduces senior secondary students to the real world, ensuring students make good decisions about their future studies by providing hands-on experiences inside QUT.
   The summit is useful for students from outside Brisbane, as it offers them a week to familiarise themselves with the university and the city itself and expands the skill sets of the selected high schoolers by introducing them to exciting topics and industries. Read more