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For Education Leaders

Empowering Students to Become Self-Regulated, Self-Directed, Self-Driven Learners


Self-directed learners operate with a high degree of autonomy and initiative. These learners are resilient in the face of obstacles, viewing failures as opportunities for growth and development rather than setbacks. Self-driven learners embrace a growth mindset, viewing intelligence and abilities as malleable traits that can be developed through dedication and practice. So whilst we can easily identify and define what it means to be one of these learners, the question still remains; “How do we get more of these learners?” Read more

Play is Pivotal in Our Schools and in Development


Play is a fundamental human right, a universal language through which we learn about relationships, develop social skills, and cultivate our social conscience. It’s time to acknowledge that play is essential, not just for children but for society as a whole.
   As a Play Therapist who works with children, parents, and professionals, including teachers, to support child development through play, I fiercely advocate for prioritising play. Read more

The Unintended Consequences of Academic Leniency: A Deeper Dive


A recent study of Year 9 students in North Carolina, USA, revealed that lowering academic standards may have had a counterproductive effect. The study found that lower-performing or at-risk students’ performance rose or fell in accordance with the expectations placed on them. When faced with easier grading, these students responded by showing less effort at school. They achieved the same grades on a now easier scale. Read more

How Tragedy Led to Insight for Alex Noble


When Alex Noble ran onto the footy field one ordinary Saturday there was little to suggest that it would lead to a life changing event.
   He woke four-days later from a coma, paralysed from his chin down, couldn’t move a single muscle, say a single word, or even breathe at all on his own.
   Alex lay in the hospital bed simply as a pair of eyes that was completely detached from his body.
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Porn Ban no Solution to Sexualised Violence


Young people need to be given the tools to navigate the complexities of online content, particularly in the realm of pornography, above a blanket ban or invasive age verification.
   The failings of abstinence-only education in Relationship and Sexual Health Education (RSE) highlights its unsuitability for addressing online sexual content education in the future. The imperative is to provide robust support for young people. Read more

The Keys to Accessing and Keeping Quality Staff


The common wisdom is that teachers are hard to find, and once found it’s hard to encourage them to stay on.
   But for Loreto College, the challenge of retaining and attracting staff and accessing the continuity that a stable group of teachers offers has been met.
   Kylie McCullah, Principal says, “We aim to look after our staff with benefits including competitive remuneration and work/life balance structures." Read more