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For Education Leaders

The Three Horizons Model of School Planning: Looking to the Future


The Three Horizons model is a brilliant strategy for schools because it promotes discussion amongst the school community about the school’s future, longer term educational opportunities for students, and the professional futures of members of staff. The model delineates the drivers of change in a school setting and the school community becomes more future aware. Read more

Student Resilience: The Role of Educators, Schools, Families and Communities


Paradoxically, the more we focus on how an individual student’s coping is a result of personal strengths (like a positive future orientation, intelligence, self-regulation and grit), the less we see the contributions that can be made to all children’s resilience by the multiple, co-occurring systems that influence successful coping. These other important and resilience-enabling factors include a student’s teachers, the quality of the school environment... Read more


The Essential Role of Consent Education in Schools


Recent statistics in the media highlight the troubling reality that gender-based violence is a significant issue that affects many in our communities, especially women. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 41% of Australians have experienced violence since the age of 15, and 1 in 4 women experience violence by an intimate partner.
   These alarming numbers underscore the need for comprehensive education on consent and respectful relationships. Read more

Why Wellbeing and Resiliency Programs Fail


For many schools, the focus has been on competitive achievement and marks, however something seems to be amiss. While some excel under that paradigm of success at school, many don’t.
  To improve students’ school experience, wellbeing and resiliency programs are rolled out, but without change to the foundations and context of the school community, these programs often fail.
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Some Good News About Academic Standards


A common trope is that Australian school students are declining in their ability to attain critical academic skills, fortunately it is not supported by large scale assessment data.
   In reality, student achievement is only declining in the PISA assessments and policymakers need to be careful about making recommendations for teaching practices that are based solely on selective reporting of standardised assessment results.
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Long-term Mental Health Benefits of School Belonging


School belonging plays crucial role in shaping mental wellbeing in adolescents.
   Characterised by positive affect towards school, strong relationships with teachers, and feeling socially valued, school belonging, has long been associated with immediate benefits for students' mental health.
   Researchers studied over 1,500 young adults in one of Australia's longest running population-based studies of socioemotional development. Read more