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For Education Leaders

Nudging: Effectively Influencing School Student, Staff and Community Behaviours


A nudge is an intervention that maintains freedom of choice but steers people in a particular direction. Generally, nudging is a study in less-directive leadership, and variations slide along the hard power-soft power continuum. Read more

Curriculum Mapping and Design for Primary Schools


Leading students through an inquiry is a complex role. The awareness of prior learning, current skills levels and competencies, agency through student voice and curriculum accountabilities. Yet we, as a profession, seem lock stepped into ensuring that our inquiries go for approximately the same period of time - a term. And the length of the inquiry is determined by the length of the term! Hmm, something doesn’t feel right there. Read more

ChatGPT in the Classroom: Reflections on a Year of Generative AI in Schools


A primary concern among educators was how to discern genuine student work from artificially generated assignments. AI is here to stay, and its influence will only grow. Students have very quickly learned to use it, therefore as teachers, we need to know how to respond. Of particular consequence is the need to adapt and change our assessment practices, especially at the senior level.
   So how has the generative AI revolution impacted the classroom? Read more

Building Rapport Between Teacher and Student - A Foundation for Learning Engagement


Building rapport between teachers and students is crucial for fostering an environment conducive to learning and personal development. While the significance of this relationship is universally acknowledged, effectively cultivating such connections often appears as a nuanced art mastered through years of experience and reflection.
   Rapport is a fundamental relationship between teacher and student. Read more

You Don’t Need to be Einstein to Study STEM


STEM can seem intimidating, especially at a tertiary level, but giving high school students a taste of what they might have in store should they pursue a STEM course is taking some of the fear out of the equation.
   Casuarina Senior College toured the Charles Darwin University (CDU) Casuarina campus science and technology facilities for the beginning of CDU and Inspired NT’s Stage 2 Real Science Program.
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Explicit Teaching – Help or Hindrance?


For some public schools in NSW the adoption of explicit teaching methods has resulted in strong academic improvements. Noting this, the NSW Department of Education Secretary has announced on that the Staff Development Day on the 29th of April will focus on 'Explicit Teaching', also known as 'explicit instruction’.
   Explicit instruction is often framed in opposition to 'inquiry-led' or 'student-centred' methods, but many experts say both are necessary. Read more