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For Education Leaders

Explicit Instruction, and 6 X 4 =


Piaget, in his later years revised his theory of mental development, concluding that the stages of mental growth did not reflect a purely developmental process, that being an approach that says the students must understand a concept, through maturity, before progressing. Rather, they were powerfully influenced by specific content of education. Read more

ChatGPT: a Help or a Hindrance?


Since its launch in November 2022, ChatGPT has, expectedly, drawn criticism, and evoked fear across many sectors, including education. It can write essays, poems, scripts, lesson plans, computer code and give feedback. Concerns range from practicalities such as the accuracy and validity of data and possible spread of disinformation, to philosophical ponderings such as ‘how do you attribute plagiarism to a robot?’ Will integrity prevail? Read more

The Mischief in Mindfulness


School mindfulness programs have promised to reduce stress, focus attention, promote social and emotional learning, and cultivate character traits such as kindness.
   It is a worthy idea but a large comprehensive study on the area has been lacking until recently with the completion of The MYRIAD Trial and its conclusions on mindfulness programs are not entirely positive.
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Proactive Management


Being reactive means blaming others for choices. It means that you react to situations through your emotions. This approach can often come across as shaming, resentful, insecure, or angry.
   We often assume that other people are on the same page that we are, when in reality they are not. The conflict that subsequently arises is a derivative of our differences. When these differences continue to be unknown, relationships can deteriorate. Read more

The Issue with Accelerated Entry to Teaching


ACU Executive Dean of Education and Arts Professor Mary Ryan said while postgraduate students had authentic skills and life experiences, they needed intensive training, support, and classroom experience to become effective teachers and school leaders.
   “Rushing graduates into classrooms might lead to an immediate increase in teachers, however this risks longevity in the profession. We don’t want to see graduates enter the profession only to leave." Read more

ADHD can be a Superpower


The first of its kind in Australia, The Hype! ADHD Centre is located south of Brisbane with a new model of healthcare designed and delivered by doctors with a lived experience of ADHD, for families living with ADHD, to address the critical specialist shortage preventing people from accessing early intervention for the condition.
  Dr Shannon Morton has created a new model of care to fast track ADHD diagnosis and treatment. Read more

Lessons in Well Being


The process of achieving well being can be a little mysterious but techniques to access well being can be taught and ReachOut’s curriculum aligned lesson plans are designed to do just that, and they’re free if you sign up as a member.
   Take ‘The Power of Reflection and Gratitude’ aimed at Years 7-12. Students are encouraged to write to themselves or someone else to reflect on the stresses of COVID. Read more