For Education Leaders
Dispositions necessary for children to learn There are a few conditions that need to be met before a child can start learning, foremost they must feel safe. Read more Program proven to improve teachers’ digital skills Thousands of Australian teachers who participated in a program to support the teaching of the subject Digital Technologies in the classroom have shown improved digital skills and confidence. Wakakirri back in 2022 with new focus Wakakirri is now a festival that celebrates diversity and puts a spotlight on what schools are saying rather than focussing on who is the best. The pandemic pushed schools into the cloud Two years of remote learning have stretched the capacity of schools’ technology frameworks. Do you need an ambulance? A teacher colleague invested a lot of time teaching her Year 3 students that thinking, feeling and behaving were all interconnected. As Albert Ellis, creator of REBT said (I paraphrase here): How to encourage students to take action to help people in need A combination of the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, and conflict have resulted in global poverty rising for the first time in two decades. One in 10 people around the world live in extreme poverty on less than $1.90 per day, 821 million people do not have enough food to eat. Prime Minister’s Prize winners for Science teaching named The $50,000 Prime Minister’s Prize for Excellence in Science Teaching in Secondary Schools was presented to Mr Scott Graham, Head of Agriculture at Barker College (NSW). |